Cooper Miles
About our Company
Our company makes paper products and also makes some cool merch. We also host events like performances, drone shows, trivia game shows and many other events. One of the most important things we do is constantly come up with new products, merch and event ideas.
About our Company Name and Founders
Our companies founder is Cooper Miles Goldberg and as you can probably suspect that is where the name Cooper Miles came from. After some time Cooper's brother Carter stepped in to the company. Carter now makes the Cooper Miles merch and helps a lot in other places throughout the company.
How our Company Started
When Cooper Goldberg was in 1st grade he decided to start a company in school and called it the Cooper Miles Company. When the company started most of his friends in his class where involved and stayed involved for most of or the whole school year. After that year he decided to work on the company at home and make it an at home only company. A little bit after this happened is when Carter Goldberg started to get involved in the company and made a deal with the company. The deal was that Carter's company Carter's Custom Products (CCP) and The Cooper Miles Company would collaborate and CCP would supply Cooper Miles with merch and other products for a discount. Finally the company was ready and started up business again. That is how The Cooper Miles Company became the company it is today.